Saturday, June 19, 2010

Self Beauty Saturdays-Brains and Beauty

Heyyyy Luvs:) I hope that your weekends are going well. I just wanted to take the time out to address something I heard recently. I over heard a conversation between two women on the train the other day and I heard one of them say,"Ughh, he makes me feel so stupid all the time. He wants to have these indepth conversations about stuff I know nothing about.He's so much smarter than I am". And this made wonder, how many other girls feel this way? How
common is it that we sit there and say to ourselves," I am so out of my element right now". But it does not have to be this way ladies..TRUST ME!!! I was at that point as well. I felt inadequate when having certain conversations and it was a definite eye opener. My point is that no one can make you feel stupid, you have the ability to change that. Here are some ways to bring back your confidence and never feel inferior again:)

1. Read the newspaper: Whether it's the Daily News, Post or the NY Times, staying up on current events will help you feel up to date on what's going on around you.Budget Crisis, New
Bills, International events, all accessible for no less than 50cents a day.

2. Vocabulary not up to par?Read a dictionary: Yes, you heard right. If you feel that you often
find yourself not knowing words that come up during a conversation or just feel like you need that extra umph, picking up a dictionary or thesaurus will add you in upgrading your vocabulary as you see fit. There are also tons of books that obtain words that maybe every college student or grad should know. Or words that make you just feel smarter..

3.Don't be afraid to self educate: Whether you went to school or not, education does not end after the reception of a diplomna or degree. With all the resources we have today such as books and the internet, we have a consistant link to everything we could ever want to know.Want to learn some Spanish?Learn more about Art, Music,Politics? You can do it.We dont have to rely on formal education if we take the initiative to find things out for self..

The bottom line ladies is don't allow anyone to challenge your self worth. They do not deserve that power over you and your life.
Stay Glammy(Inside and Out),
Ebony B

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